Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dayton "Dirt' August 29

I hope all Garden Club members will be able to look over the mass of plant material that is 50% off to our members only through Labor Day. The postcards we sent out earlier will enable our Garden Club members to get “first pick” of the sale items.

If you’re not a garden club member, don’t worry you can sign up and receive the garden club benefits the same day!

“Why are we having the sale at all or why don’t we have the sale earlier?”, some customers have asked.

The reason to have this sale in late August is to sell items that we do not want to repot or “shift up” to a larger size, to move items out that are not selling well for one reason or another and to give our customers another benefit of belonging to the garden club!

Some items on sale are those that do not have an automatic appeal to the vast majority of our customers as these plants sometimes take years to develop and gain their stature and beauty in the garden.

After September 1, all of our inventory marked at 50% off will be available to all customers but we thought it would be best to notify our club members first.

Remember September means lawn work to bring your lawn into shape.

To over-seed a lawn, follow the steps below:

  1. Check and treat for grubs if necessary with Dylox
  2. Mow the grass as short as you can to the point that the grass is scalped.
  3. Over-seed with the “proper” grass seed with which will blend into your existing lawn and thrive in the existing conditions; that is sun or shade. Bare spots will need to be “scratched up”
  4. Water and watch the existing grass recover and the new seed sprout.
  5. Apply a starter fertilizer after new growth of the seed begins

The above method will work as long as your lawn does not have a thick, somewhat inpenatrable thatch layer which in that case you’ll want to add thatching to your list of lawn chores.

Don’t wait too long as by late September, you’ll have a “Cadillac” lawn if you act now.

E-mail us with any questions you might have or just stop by the store.


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