Friday, June 5, 2009

Dayton "Dirt' June 5, 2009

Its been quite cold for this time of year and the cold nights will temporarily slow down the growth of annual flowers and heat-loving vegetable plants.

The good news is that rainfall is adequate to keep these growing and lawns lush and green.

Just a reminder:

* Apply a weed & feed to your lawn now if you have not done it yet
* Spray the lower branches of Dogwood and Rhododendron for borer now if you did not do it at the end of May
* Apply Merit to your lawn in mid-June through July to prevent grub damage this fall
* Deadhead spent blooms of Rhododendron by removing the whole stalk with your thumbs and forefinger
* Trim spring flowering plants to shape such as Azalea, Rhododendron, Lilacs and fragrant Viburnum
* Keep up sprays of fungicides such as Bi-Carb on tea roses to prevent black spot
* Use Osmocote fertilizer on your annual flowers for a constant feed all summer
* Use Neem Oil to combat bugs on flowers and vegetable plants
* Plant cucumbers and squash from seed until July 1st in order to get a continuous harvest as late as possible
* Watch out for slugs on your flowers and especially Hostas with the wet weather. Sluggo, which is nothing more than a salt (iron phosphate), is safe for pets and the environment.

Get going because June is the best growing month!

See you soon,

P.S. Check out our Knockout rose selection and the Knockout rose bed that we planted in November in our parking lot island. Even though I only threw them some fertilizer and trimmed them in March, they're blooming their heads off!

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