Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - March 19, 2010

This Saturday, March 20th at 12:00 noon, I will brief you on the wherefores of green roofs.

Green roofs are in big time use in Europe, especially Germany, as they are even mandated by local laws such as in the city of Stuttgart.

There are many benefits to employing a green roof during the construction of a structure as not only are they aesthetically pleasing, they absorb runoff water, cool the building in summer and greatly extend the life of the roof membrane.
On our new barn, we installed our green roof in October of 2009 which created a buzz in Norton about what was on the roof!

Onlookers even pulled up into the driveway in front of the structure to take a look with some turning around in the newly seeded yard so they wouldn’t have to back out on the street!

During the seminar, we’ll take a good look at the roof and I’ll explain its construction details (as long as it’s not pouring down rain!)

Spring is here!


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