Friday, July 22, 2011

Dayton "Dirt" - July 22, 2011

Last week’s Blueberry Festival and opening of the Owl Barn seemed to go smoothly except for the fact that we picked and sold all the blueberries that were ripe in the patch!

Sweet corn is always a big draw at a produce market but the cool, wet spring delayed planting and thus the harvest until today.

The Seiberling Farm is our source for much of the fresh produce in our market including sweet corn.

The farm is 125 acres of very productive land with almost 100 acres dedicated to sweet corn.

Some of the varieties we will be offering are Bodacious, Ambrosia and Temptation.

These newer varieties have a sugar enhancing gene which slows down the conversion of sugar to starch in the picked sweet corn ear.

It used to be that sweet corn had to be eaten quickly or it would have a flat, starchy flavor.

With the new varieties, freshly picked ears will still be sweet after 3-5 days if kept in the refrigerator.

The hot weather has made it rough on everyone including plants.

It’s no exception at the nursery as we’ve been watering in the middle of the day to cool them off.

The rain was welcome on Monday night although we did not need all of it at once.

It has been a strange year for weather indeed!

The nursery looks good and so does produce for the market!

See you soon.

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