Friday, May 29, 2015

Dayton "Dirt" - May 29, 2015

After last week’s light frost, the weather has been sunny, warm and dry.  A two inch rain or more is needed to thoroughly water the packed earth.  With water, warmer nights and days will spark the growth of both flowers and vegetable plants.  At the nursery, the production greenhouse is nearly empty yet supplies of small potted flowers and hanging baskets are plentiful in the greenhouse used for sales.  Perennials are all the rage now as June is perennial gardening month.  The remainder of some of the new perennials for 2015 are just about ready so that many will be in the perennial house this weekend.  Some of the new “stuff” includes Ligularia ‘Bottle Rocket’ and Ajuga ‘Golden Glow’.  The tea and David Austin roses are budding and should be in glorius bloom in early to mid-June.

The grounds are a mess with weeds as it has been quite busy and difficult to get control of weeding so that the importance of a quick and thorough job is now apparent with garlic mustard ready to go to seed.

The last plants of our potted vegetables are now on the shelf with still a very decent selection of hybrid and heirloom tomatoes and peppers.  June is an excellent month for planting successive crops of tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash...up until about the 4th of July.  Then in mid to late August will come planting time for more vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, turnips and parsnips that with proper preparation can be harvested in winter.

Our next batch of hydrangea is just about ready that will include a wide variety of color and forms.  Hydrangea are truly a miracle in the landscape because of their long bloom time and plants that are short and compact, medium sized or tall for just about any landscape.  Then too will our plantings of the Proven Winner shrubs from the Spring Meadow Nursery in Grand haven, Michigan be ready that will include Cephalanthus (buttonbush), new butterfly bushes, new Clematis and much more.  How things have changed in the last several years in the plant selection now available!


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