Friday, September 18, 2015

Dayton "Dirt" - September 18, 2015

Tomorrow, September 19th is the annual Fall Festival at the nursery with  all the festivities beginning  at 10 a.m. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and will not pour down rain as it did last Saturday that indeed was quite a blessing to finally soak into the still dry ground. I remember September 19th every year as my grandmother was born on this day in 1890. Lot’s of prep work has gone on this past week to prepare the grounds and facilities for the big day. This year a new powerful tractor will pull the hay wagons loaded with passengers as the RTV used  in the past would struggle as it chugged uphill.

Finally, the last perennials have been potted and some new clematis that will be available next spring. The new varieties are ‘Sprinkles’, ‘Tye Dye’, ‘Regency’, ‘Festival’ and ‘Silver Moon’ that will add a total of 12 new clematis to the mix. A new bed of creeping phlox in the botanical garden will be ready to plant next week from plants that last March were un-rooted cuttings and so small that handling them to stick in the rooting plugs was very difficult. The azalea cuttings stuck last July are almost finished rooting and will be transplanted to 4½” pots filled with Canadian sphagnum peat about October 10th which is about the time the small geranium plants will arrive to be planted into a 2 gallon nursery container from which the plants will be “butchered” for cuttings to make new stock just before Christmas.

Fall is sweeping in fast with the official start in just a few days with the arrival of the autumnal equinox so that soon the trees will begin to wear coats of yellow, orange and red just like the coat of many colors.


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