Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - October 1, 2010

If your lawn still needs renovating from the damage of the long hot summer, be sure to take action quickly as time is running out.

If you're overseeding, thatching helps in order that the seed will nest in soil instead of falling on thatch in which case it will never grow.

A fall fertilizer such as Greenview's 10-16-20 also is an excellent fertilizer as it has a high amount of phosphorus for root growth of the new seedlings.

A fall fertilizing of all your trees and shrubs is an excellent way to promote healthy growth next spring as the plant's roots will be active until temperatures drop to below 40 degrees F and will be able to absorb the nutrients you provide and store them for spring growth.

The cool fall is an excellent time to landscape as agagin, root growth will get the plants well established for healthy growth next spring.

At the Owl Barn, cider, apples, pumpkins add to the autumn ambiance of the nursery.

Hope to see you soon!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - September 24, 2010

Our fall festival seemed to be quite a success especially with the children.

The hayrides, animal show, balloon man, bouncy house and making crafts at the Pat Catan's craft table seemed to overwhelm them.

My favorite "activity" was the roasted sweet corn made in a special corn roaster on wheels!

Tomorrow and Sunday is Barberton's annual Mum Fest with over 20,000 plants donated by Aris Horticulture (formerly Yoder Brothers)

The mums combined have at least one million blooms and are planted along the northeast corner of Lake Anna Park in downtown Barberton.

Mums are a main attraction but many other events and activities make it a worthwhile drive.

At the nursery, our mum patch is finally in bloom as it was delayed by the hot weather in August and the first half of September.

Our fall sale is still going on at 50% off many trees, shrubs and perennials so be sure to stop by as more than likely there is something you'll see at a very good buy.

Lets hope for sunny skies for the Mum Fest and then we could use a lot more rain but without tornadoes such as the one that touched down in Wooster at the Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center in Wooster.

The widespread damage to this world renowned research center and arboretum is a tragic event and must be repaired although it will take years to heal the Secrest Arboretum.

See you at the fest!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - September 10, 2010

Remember our fall 50% off sale is still on and open to the general public so that you may want to check the inventory online or call if you missed anything you wanted that we still may have.

Remember too that a week from Saturday will be our Fall Festival on the 18th of September which will be full of events for children and "grown children".
I will be giving the hayrides as always because I enjoy the mix of people - young,
old and middle ages.

I wonder what it is about a hayride. I remember bailing and hauling hay to the barn at our farm in Burbank, Ohio that was nothing but hard work.

Maybe its just the adventure of riding on the wagon without the hard work.
In addition to the hayrides, there will be fair food, roasted corn, face painting, balloon sculpting, live music, Outback Ray animal shows, bouncy house, Pat Catans craft tent and new for 2010… a garden specimen contest. The contest will cover 3 categories: best fruit specimen, best veggie specimen and best floral specimen.
Entries are limited to one per person, per group and can be dropped off on Friday, September 17th or up until 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 18th. A single fruit, veggie or floral stem from your own garden is what will be judged.

First prize will be awarded with a ribbon, certificate and a $10.00 gift card. Second and third prizes will be awarded with a ribbon and certificate. Judging will take place at 2:00 pm. You do not have to be present for judging.

Hope to see you there!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - September 3, 2010

This is the first day of our fall sale and I think almost all of our Garden Club members will be impressed with the selection of plants included in our 50% off sale.
Be sure to take a look in the Owl Barn Market while you're here at the nursery to look at the fresh produce and browse the aisles for some of the gift items and cooking accessories.

As time goes on more locally grown apples will be displayed as well as ample cider, pumpkins, squash and other related food items.

The coolness of fall signals a resuming of our planting in Wolf Creek Gardens just down the hill from the Owl Barn along with a "push" to get the various trees, shrubs and perennials labeled.

It was a spectacular display in May with the blooming Creeping Phlox, Azaleas, Rhododendron, Dogwoods, Redbuds and shade perennials blooming in the garden although many of you did not see it.

The sad fact about some of the native trees in the garden is that they are Ash trees which will soon be killed by the Emerald Ash Borer which is an invasive insect that will bore holes in the trees and kill them.

This insect came out of Detroit, Michigan from pallets of sewer pipe imported from (yes, you guessed it) China.

One bright spot is that we will replant with disease resistant American Elm and Tulip Poplars which are very fast growing and stately.

Hope to see you at the sale this weekend!
