Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dayton "Dirt" - May 20, 2011

Finally, this week it’s safe to plant about anything in the way of flowers and vegetable plants as long as you still are wary in case of a light frost.

For flower beds, whether perennial or annual, I like to mix in the product Sweet Peet into the ground just before planting. An application of about 2" of Sweet Peet is all that is needed to work into the top 6 inches of garden soil. In addition, the plants will thrive when about a ½ inch to 1 inch layer of Sweet Peet is applied as a mulch. Sweet Peet will “feed” new plants and not rob them of nitrogen as would bark or wood mulch.

Peat Moss is not a good garden mulch for most plants because of its extreme acidic nature and the fact that when it dries completely, it is almost impossible to wet which causes water to runoff on the soil instead of the water being absorbed by the soil.

Remember too that when you buy your flower and vegetable plants from Dayton’s, if the plants do not originate from seed but from a cutting to make for more identical plants, they are virus free in that the plants are virus indexed to be sure all viruses are out of the plant. Viruses which can build up in plants overtime can cause lack of vigor, lack of flowers and just plain poor growth. These harmful viruses do not pass from the parent plants to its progeny when the young plants germinate from seed.

We still have product staged for selling through this month and the first half June but after that the annual greenhouse will begin to wind down.

Be sure to come in to see us while the selection is still good.

Soon, those of you in our garden club will be getting your summer newsletter that will have some coupons that just might interest you!


P.S. Don’t forget we have free liquid fertilizer in the greenhouse. Just bring your own jug!

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