Friday, May 6, 2011

Dayton "Dirt" - May 6, 2011

With Mother’s Day just two days away, many of you will be hunting for that “special gift” for mom. Most moms love flowers and jewelry but with my being in the “flower” business for so long it’s really not a Mother’s Day gift if I give my mother some type of flower. The other problem I have is that my mother likes jewelry ok but rarely, if ever will wear it as she really doesn’t get that excited about it which every year places me in quite a pickle.

I hope that all of you will notice the decrease in pricing of many of the plants throughout the nursery especially in the greenhouse. Hanging Baskets and the 4 inch “Proven Winner” type plants such as Cascading Petunia, Verbena, Bacopa, etc. have fallen by as much as 25% from last year due to our new production facility that enables us to produce more and eliminate the “middle man”.

Although we always did grow our own greenhouse product, space was limited. Now with all the extra space, we’re able to offer more in the way of new and unusual stuff too that the “big” growers don’t like to grow.

Be sure to take a walk or better yet bring mom to take a walk through our Azalea allee just east of the main entrance to the store as thousands of Azalea’s are coming into bloom.

Wolf Creek Gardens that is north of the nursery property is accessible on foot with Dogwoods, Azaleas, Redbuds and shade perennials starting to pop and show off their “skills”.

It’s a good time to be alive!


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