Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dayton "Dirt' July 4, 2009

Happy July 4th! I’m sure we are mindfull of what this birthday celebration of our nation really means. July 4th too reminds me of fireworks, family picnics, fishing, boating or whatever else you may enjoy.

I’m sure many of you will be harvesting vegetables right out of your garden for your family picnic.

This day for me was also the last day to plant warm season vegetables from seed as any later planting may or may not “make it” because of the declining day length and cooler nights.

In the flower or vegetable garden, July is a good feeding time for various types of caterpillars from the insect order called Lepidoptera. These little critters can eat up a tomato plant, perennial Hibiscus or Hollyhock in no time. A good organic control is to spray with a bacteria known as BT (Bacillus thunbergiensis) or Spinosad. These organic products are safe to use for you and the environment.

If you have not applied a grub control to your lawn and have had trouble before please do it quickly by using a product containing Merit. This product must be applied soon to achieve the maximum effectiveness to kill the lawn killing grubs that will hatch out around Labor Day resulting from the egg laying activities of Japanese Beetles and European Chafer adults.

Now would also be a good time to fertilize, stir and water your mulch beds to prevent the colonization of the shot gun fungus which can shoot its resin to stick on the siding of your home.

When bacteria are active in your mulch from moisture and nitrogen, they out compete and prevent the formation of this nuisance fungus.

Another application of Preen Weed Preventer to your landscape would be wise if it has been 3 months or more. Remember, Preen is a weed preventer and not a weed killer.
Also, Preen will not control the common ragweed or Canada thistle. There are other herbicides that will control these two nuisance weeds but these herbicides are not safe to use on many plants.

Oh well, I guess we can’t have everything. I’ve got to go, I’ve got lots of weeds to pull.


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