Friday, September 19, 2014

Dayton "Dirt" - September 19, 2014

Tomorrow is the Fall Festival at the nursery which is centered on the Owl Barn with music, food, hayrides, pumpkin painting, mums, Outback Ray’s animal shows and much more.
The festival is from 10am to 4pm and is open to everyone although there will be more activities for children than adults.
Hopefully the weather is cooperative but if not, the show must go on!
The mums are quite the show but are beginning to dwindle in supply as the last batch will be in flower right about the week of September 26th to coincide with the Barberton Mum Fest.

We’re beginning to get ready for winter by moving plants into the over-wintering quarters such as perennials and grasses that were potted up this summer.
Then too are the 1000 plus Clematis that are growing and even blooming but cannot be sold until going through their first winter slumber that will then result in an explosion of growth in April.
The small Azalea are just gorgeous and budded for a mass of blooms next spring but alas cannot be sold until they are “hardened off” with a winter behind them.
Plenty of evergreens are available in the Green Giant Western Red Cedars, Hemlock and Spruce along with a variety of other trees and shrubs.
See you at the festival!


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