Friday, March 27, 2015

Dayton "Dirt" - March 27, 2015

The race is on with this week’s receipt of bare root trees and shrubs that must be handled quickly. First, the plants must be root and top pruned then potted into the proper sized containers and watered. Some, like the various big-leaved hydrangeas such as Endless Summer and Bloomstruck must be kept on a small amount of heat so that the temperature remains above 28ºF. Other types of hydrangea along with various trees and shrubs will remain outside as the sometimes frigid nights don’t bother them. Next, three semi truck loads of balled and burlapped and container stock was received that must be placed, counted and tagged and in some cases, dug into gravel to protect the roots from drying out.
In the greenhouse progress is continuing in planting shipments of plants overdue by a week. The trimming of hanging baskets and flats upon flats of flowers that next week will be planted in 4½” pots for sale in early May. The first wave of 4½” pots of flowers number around 8,000 followed  by another round of 7,000 for sales in mid to late May.
Last week’s seminar of “What’s New for 2015" was a big success but I must admit that I’m glad the series for this spring is over due to the heavy load of the spring.
What a week this has been!


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