Friday, October 9, 2015

Dayton "Dirt" - October 9, 2015

The chill of October is in the air with the trees getting ready to color. At the nursery there’s now a flurry of activity in moving stock to its proper place for winter storage and even now, more planting is going on.

Poinsettias in the greenhouse are coming along nicely with no trace of any whitefly or powdery mildew on the leaves although they still will have to be watched closely for the next month as it is difficult to get rid of any critters or disease once they begin to color in early November without damaging the plants.

The newer condensing boiler that was a headache last season is working just fine although it will be shut down shortly in order to make some additions to the system to use it to full capacity in that most of the greenhouse product grows better when the heat is where the plants are. Heating pipes and tubes from the hot water boiler enable the root zone of the plants to stay warmer compared with overhead heat with the result being more robust growth with the warmer roots. Some plants like cyclamen, evergreen azalea and a few others do not like overly warm roots so that their section of hot water tubing has to be shut off.

Some repairs to the buildings and greenhouse need to be accomplished before winter before moving inside when inclement weather will be more the norm. It seems like yesterday spring was here and now how fast the seasons have changed!


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