Friday, February 19, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - February 19, 2010

We made it over the hump of winter! Temperatures will (on average) be on the rise giving us a preview soon of a glorious spring.

Megan Vance will be our guest speaker in the Owl Barn on Saturday at 12 noon. Megan has her own business called Suzanne Jardin Garden Design so that with all her background in design and planting, Megan is an expert in shade gardening especially with perennials. Megan was our guest last year when she spoke on container gardening and new perennials for 2009. I do well remember that she is very entertaining.
During the seminar I will press Megan closely to classify the different types of shade that plants require or have to deal with as all shade is not created equal.

I want to personally thank Bill Bauman of Bauman’s Orchards in Rittman for all his expertise on fruit trees. Bill’s family has been in the orchard business for about 60 years in which the results of their labor and knowledge have turned Bauman’s orchards into a favorite destination for many of us in the Summit, Medina and Wayne counties during the harvest season.

I’ve got my questions listed for Megan tomorrow and you be sure to have all yours ready so you can fire away as soon as she gives the signal for a question and answer period.

See you tomorrow,

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