Friday, June 25, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - June 25, 2010

I’m getting excited about my annual “shopping” trip to Holland, Michigan to visit Walters Gardens that has 900 acres or more under the cultivation of perennials.
It’s always a thrill to take a look at all the facilities and growing fields to see what’s going on and especially what’s new.

I remember my dad and I taking our first tour of the nursery in 1982 when Dennis Walters gave us the tour.

Mr. Walters was so very friendly and kept asking us after an hour of the tour if we had any more questions or wanted to see more.

He did show us 20 acres of daylilies that were all sold to the marketing company Wayside Gardens while inside this processing building, workers were assembling bags with two oriental poppy roots in each bag for a total of one million poppies!
Walters has a fantastic website too with color photos and descriptions of most of their inventory.

After my tour and a little study, I’ll be able to dream about all the new stuff for 2011 like the new Itoh peonies that have colors of yellow, orange, pinks, reds and purples like the tree peonies only they die down like garden peonies and can be grown in full sun!

I already ordered these plants last January to sell in 2011!

Keep an eye on my blogs for the new developments…


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