Friday, July 2, 2010

Dayton "Dirt" - July 2, 2010

Picnics, swimming, fishing, get togethers, fireworks and more conjure up visions of the 4th of July.

That same week in 1776 in Philadelphia, it was hot and muggy with all the delegates of the Continental Congress not on the same page.

I can just imaging some of the heated arguments that the gruff John Adams had with his fellow delegates.

Truly with the genius of men like Franklin, Madison, Adams and Jefferson, its no wonder that the eighteenth century is known as the “Age of Enlightenment”.
Don’t forget this is the last week that you can plant heat loving successive crops such as sweet corn, cucumbers and squash.

The garden spiders will be out soon in full force if they aren’t already and don’t you dare kill any of them as they’re doing you a great favor by catching and eating insects harmful to the garden.

I remember reading a magazine in which a naturalist was searching for a bat cave in Tennessee.

The visitor questioned a farmer about the bats to which the farmer replied that those darned things were in such and such location.

When the naturalist found the cave, he noticed shells of insects on the floor by the thousands which were potato beetles.

When the Tennessee potato farmer found out about the onslaught these beetles suffered from the bats, these bats then became HIS bats!

Enjoy your weekend and the 4th.


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